Wednesday, August 18, 2004


You know, it's true when people say idle minds will find mischief. I have no social life, apart from some old friends from school. They have been too busy to go out or anything like that. So, I end up with plenty of free time. I've run out of books to read. There is never anything good on tv. All that's left is HIM! All i could think about is HIM. I think of ways how to get him to notice me. I've imagined falling sick and ending up in the hospital. HE will then visit me and finds out HE can't live without me. All the ways I could think of is useless, because HE is incommunicado until HE finishes HIS training. Yes, my dream guy has joined the Airforce. Bad move on HIS part if HE thinks that will put me off. One little secret, I've always had a thing for men in uniform. Anyone with ideas for me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww....c'mon la.

DBKL pun ada uniform dia sendiri....
tak pun Indah Water...ahaahaha!!

tell the truth laa..u like men in army uniform kan?
Simply green....